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TerraClear // Rock Picker in Action!

See the Rock Picker in Action!

The TerraClear Rock Picker is a versatile rock picking implement that enables precision rock picking in any soil condition.

Watch the Rock Picker in action. If you have any questions, click the button below.

TerraClear // End-to-End Solution

TerraClear End-to-End Solution

TerraClear has a unique suite of products that aim at improved efficiency and reduced labor to remove rocks from fields. Watch this video to see how the TerraClear Rock Map coupled with the Rock Picker can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to clear rocks from a field.

TerraClear // Rock Mapping

Rock Mapping Service

TerraClear provides on-demand service to map the rocks in your field, providing you with a map that shows the location and size of each rock.

Easily locate problematic rocks.

Learn more about our Rock Map by hitting the link below.

TerraClear // Company

Our Company

The TerraClear team is a dynamic group with deep experience in software, hardware, machine learning, product development, leadership, and most importantly farming.

Learn more about TerraClear and how we are automating the oldest problem in agriculture – rock picking.

TerraClear // How To Operate

How To Operate

TerraClear provides an simple tutorial on How To Operate the Rock Picker, just follow these simple steps.

  1. Start-Up & Safety 
  2. Bucket Tilt and Lift
  3. Activate Hydraulic Flow 
  4. Rock Picker Movement
  5. Rock Picker Paddles
  6. Set Picker Dimensions
  7. Rock On!

TerraClear // Customers

Conrad Arnzen, North Idaho Farmer on the TerraClear Rock Picker –

“At one point it took them 8 minutes to pick a complete skid steer bucket full. That would have taken me at least 5-10 times longer and I would have climbed on and off the tractor 25+ times. TerraClear did all this sitting down in an air conditioned cab…”

TerraClear // Customers

Kyle O’Brien, Iowa Farmer on the TerraClear Rock Map –

“The map works flawlessly. The map makes it so much easier to drive right to the rocks without having to physically look and try to find them. The map has made rock picking for us so much easier because it takes less time to cover acres.”

TerraClear // Customers

Lance Lillibridge, Iowa Farmer 

“We were spending way too much time in the field trying to pick all the rocks, that’s when I knew something needed to change. Since using Terraclear we have been able to reduce the time in the field looking for rocks and now the rock picking experience is enjoyable.”

Machinery Pete learns about an exciting new game changing innovation in the age old dreaded task of picking rocks from your farm fields…TerraClear. Pete visits with Maple Lake, MN farmer Dusty Zander who demo’d a prototype TerraClear model earlier this year with fantastic results. TerraClear full solution actually flies drone video over your fields to precision map the location of the rocks in your field, then through a simple app on your cell home you hop in your skid steer or loader tractor with TerraClear and go right to the rocks you need to pick.